"Caught in the eye of a storm..."

sábado, fevereiro 19, 2005

D'you know what I mean?

"Listen up man
They don't even know you were born..."
(Noel Gallagher)

Em homenagem às pessoas que se acham.

3 solfejaram:

Anonymous Anônimo solfejou...


Agradeço em nome das pessoas que se acham. Smacks!

8:06 PM

Anonymous Anônimo solfejou...

Poxa , que feliz!!

Agora posso deixar mensagens não anônimas aqui no blogger.

Yeaaah, they know what I mean!!

8:08 PM

Anonymous Anônimo solfejou...

I don´t really care for what you believe
So open up your fist or you won´t receive
The thoughts and the words of every man you´ll need
Get up off the floor and believe in life
No-one´s ever gonna ever ask you twice
Get on the bus and bring it on home to me

2:51 PM


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